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    it's me tryin rhymin

    Posted by rob on 2/15/2000, 1:22 pm

    as i fly by, you walk that path/calculatin the differences by math/mass appealin with your "W" and your hilfiger wearin ass/tryin to melt into the scene/cream collectin by your team/all is dandy but my head is soiled underneath your foot/still hoppin on some emcees boat cuz he made it seem real good/but commericial styles doesnt get their airplay in hood/realistically im suburbian man/granted with the internet to understand hiphops foward existence/for instance, anticon's beyond any emcee's thoughts and demeanor/leaning toward being a burrowing animal so i be an underground feener/ive increased my thought process by 50 percent in the last few days and acknowledged your brains corroded and commericial listening upon those rays/this aint to battle rhyme just a dittle on the future but if you wanted to cause some conflict i could go on and on about you, loser!


May you live in Kaotic times.

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