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    big words

    Posted by the masked hormone on 2/16/2000, 4:19 pm , in reply to "HAVE NO FEAR, I SHALL SLAY THE WACK"

    nerds like you love to speak the big words/
    but your mamma told me that was for the birds/
    so dissect my dialect and proceed the introspect/
    into your soul which is a hole, get smoked like a bowl/
    full of herbals with my vicious verbals/
    ya style smells butt like richard gere's gerbils/
    you're geeky - while girls think i'm freaky/
    i f##k ya moms in her bed until it gets creaky/
    break the box springs i rock things/
    at an abnormal rate and take your girl on a date/
    it's too late - i sealed your strange fate/
    like the doctor in the d.c. universe/
    put you in a hearse/



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