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    Posted by NOAH VIRUS 23 on 2/16/2000, 4:50 pm

    you need not speak cheap talk for epochs to the peacock from the pyramid of cheops/
    a speedknot rock free thought on a beatbox drinking peach snapps outta teapots sweetheart/
    i eavesdropped in the tree tops on three jocks from the T dot cheapshot this geek for his reeboks
    equinox nanobot xerox sleepwalk to the weedspot when i should be in detox/
    nocturnal crop circle, you sell yourself like my own private idaho/
    kaleidoscope isotope zaidako samizdat vacuum arafat sand dune datacloud morning star polysyllable original grimace of zenith
    the sub genius from venus unleashes one thesis/
    double featured telekinesis blood of the phoenix/
    hodge podge amalgamation of fourteen wolverines/
    with protein shells of endomorphine
    morde code of the streets incubate the enzyme miraculous sattalite dish catalyst revolutionary activist faster than the indianapolis
    sado masochistic sons of b###hes come and get it


May you live in Kaotic times.

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