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    Posted by Arsonist aka Da Terrorist on 2/17/2000, 3:23 am

    peep diz shit mayne arsonist aka da terrorist(da demon child)

    shed da darkness of weaker men into light/mass movement and knowledge combined equal fright/move satellitez/to get my tranzmitted signal right/beatz and soundz/airwavez and jetstreamz make da 35 degree tilt in da earth go round/1.2 inchez per a 24 hour period/my mind mentalz/traveled da biblez/surface and conquered da greek/im on an undetected pillage/trough da forbidden village/to seek out factz and find out wat real iz/instead of gettin force fed with false propheciez/about how aidz waz produced a population controlling dezeaze/and how cocaine waz moved from over seaz/to control da black pantherz and there righteous 70'z deedz/this iz how da history of da mind readz/they pump your head wit false knowledge and creatine lyrical wizdomz meanz readin between da theme/disect da thesiz/and gather all da factual piecez/and enter it into your own compatible memory/and uze all formz of natural and kenetic energy/to produce you own version and educated theory/t-cellz infected iz produced by da government for human population mizery/dat why they sensor me and label me parental advizory/cuz my mind movez faster dan light speed on infa red high beamz/i seek out all plotz n schemez/target da spinez of vertically challenged human biengz/you see me chiphering wit only da best knowledge regimez/to swap brain fluid/mathematical calculationz datez and factz/to attack/any otha race dat haz nothing to do wit blackz/this iz how da evil in da demon childz mind reactz

    illadel productions
    peace one luv


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