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    Almighty Jargon

    Posted by Zircon on 2/18/2000, 4:34 pm

    Stop wasting your time being human assuming flesh real/
    Wet skills that becomes evaporated after i test eels//
    In your bodily, electricity begins heating your 75% of water/
    The slaughter is offered with money back guarantee orders//
    Porters sent to look into the heavens to see if you rain again/
    Clear blue skies amass the atmosphere, madness here, engine//
    Still pumping out cranks and crunks with oil spillage/
    So my exertion dumps mass amounts of crude verses on the village//
    I foil migrants to this sector in alien ships with chrome rims/
    Hone them into my ominous void but words repel zoned hashishims//
    Unable to decipher the kemetic septic dropping fecal imhoteps/
    You step in it and return to earth as it squirts gigapets//
    That bite your shoes putting holes in socks defeating you/
    Beating you with more knowledge in my anal than channeled via beetles//
    That may not make the flight thru smog and bad weather/
    Attracted to the scent of Heather B's sweltering whatever//
    However severed pituitary glands make controlling sperm difficult/
    This cult of violent cut and suturing to miniscules//
    Is what my hands were born to administor without restrictions/
    Depictions of the action painted upon canvases by Sam Gilliam//
    Graduating battle patterns of Napolean into saturnite/
    Fathom the light's plight right in angles that shatter mics//
    So i need not heed the words regurgitated gregariously/
    By inferior oxymorons and their almighty metaphor vicariously//
    Garnishing the tarp and cement, semen was never meant to be/
    Released through the palette as juices adhere to incisors gingerly//
    Remeber me, the doctor whose malpractice kills addicts to rap hits/
    The bastard of Thelonius and Gladys Pips, the night smacks your zits//
    When i speak white blood cells of my competitor decrease/
    Making a wet cum stain prevalent on your Fubu jeans, see these//
    Were never suppose to bleed from a being of these proportions/
    X by Y by Z coordinates add up to a point where fine lines encore in//
    And black holes erupt abrupt so remove your theory from papyrus/
    Cause my white out has a grudge overdue with wackness, i'm savage//
    Without stability to hold me back, notice that it's your move/
    Better concure before injured is your personality trait upon you//
    Not even hackers can attack through this edifice or headphones/
    Plugged into the jack as CD-ROM pumps Illogic beats//
    Tragic my projects are deep enough to hold africans stuck/
    In urban vines as my turban applies pressure to my mind as it sups//
    Thoughts caught in the nile river of my trance, a dance with seraphims/
    As jealous cherubs balk listening to Scarub, i swear a whim//
    Will drop and crack half of the hemisphere longitude-wise/
    Knocking Greenwich off the map absorbing time volumes soon die//
    That held the lineage of recorded life, Zeus reinstated/
    Cause i greeked my verses so they're unable to read without a telescope//
    Hella dope, you deliberate from a meeting of minds throughout/
    And can show no purpose of living as every weakling's heart is blew out.

    o u t .


May you live in Kaotic times.

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