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    Three Devils on the Plains

    Posted by ClawDogs on 2/29/2000, 6:01 pm , in reply to "MENTAL MANICALS"

    tighter than a glider in the sky grippin' bars/
    sippin' whiskey eatin rye lookin' at the stars/
    menage-trois me killin' 3 mcees in a row/
    stuck without the hydro dreaming of a water flow/
    i see three devils on the plains bringin' chains of lights/
    i hear them chanting how they gonna kill tonight/
    i spit one verse and slash one of the devils in the grill/
    another verse gets tossed so the devils got to chill/
    they think i'm playing with the verbal armor so they laugh/
    i spit another verse the second devil's in a bloodbath/
    the last devil didn't have a verbal plan/ he ran up on me grabbed my whiskey and he ran....


May you live in Kaotic times.

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